Vest // Jeans // Basic Tee // Sneakers
Totally feel like a walking Christmas tree in this plaid vest and it couldn’t make me happier! haha. T-minus 6 days until Christmas morning and I think the only main goal on my list this week is to accomplish making some Christmas cookies. Kyle has been working like a mad man lately so all shopping and prepping has been left to me. I don’t mind because I am a total festive nerd at Christmas. But Christmas cookies aren’t my strong suit. I grew up eating this “cookie” that consist of ZERO baking! Which if you haven’t already caught on, I totally suck at baking. Like Easy Bake Ovens don’t even work for me. These cookies are super tasty and remind all the Christmases I had as a child. Super easy, two Ritz crackers filled with peanut butter like a sandwich, than coated in melted white chocolate and sat our to fully cool before enjoying the oh so sweet flavor. I know, easy peasy but for this not so Betty Crocker gal this is a big undertaking. I feel like if I dress in this ever so festive plaid vest it will help me own the part of “Christmas Baker” and I will rock at making these cookies. LOL, who knows but I’ll give it the good ‘ole college try!
If you’re looking for a gift for the super festive person in your life, look no further than this vest. It will have them beaming, PROMISE! And as for me, well I am feeling so much like Santa this week that I thought I would spread the chance for you to win a $1000 ASOS Gift Card Giveaway today. All the details on how to enter are below. Just as easy as my Christmas cookies and you don’t even have to move from your seat!
*P.S. there is more giveaways to come to be sure to check back here before Christmas for your chance to enter*
Hey everyone!
Today I’m so excited to be bringing you another awesome giveaway! I am teaming up with some amazing bloggers to offer a $1000 ASOS Gift Card, perfect for all the fashionistas out there! This giveaway goes from 12/17-12/24 and will be open internationally! To enter, just complete the entries in the Rafflecopter widget below! Good luck!