Boy Oh Boy did I get the surprise of a lifetime this weekend. First, I will start by telling you all the things leading up to our gender reveal.
Like I have said before, I was pretty sick up until around 15 weeks. I have been feeling like a normal human being the past week and a half which has been wonderful. Although, just a heads up for anyone of you ladies who don’t know. Just because you feel like you’re 100% doesn’t mean you just push full steam ahead. It will totally kick your butt if you do. I learned this the hard way so I thought letting you know might save you some backaches, lol. So moving on, We did our Panorama genetic testing in which we also requested our gender be found out that way as well when I was 11 weeks. I got the results in 5 days so yep I have had MAJOR self-control in not opening the envelope so we could be surprised when I was 16.5 weeks at our gender reveal. To be honest, I was getting super anxious this past week from not knowing so I don’t suggest you draw it out too long for your pregnancies.
Around 14 weeks I got this idea in my head we were having a girl. I had no proof of any kind, it was just an idea my mind cooked up. Until this point I had absolutely no clue. As those two weeks went along before our reveal I started finding evidence to back up this “idea” such as I was super sick and people have said this generally happens when you have a girl. Also, baby’s heart beat is right over 140 bpm which people have also said you’re more likely to be carrying a girl. Annnnd last but not least, the Chinese calendar test said we were also having a girl. I figured with all this so called evidence I had found we were definitely having a girl.
The week of the reveal I would have put some big bucks on it that Baby H was a girl (so glad I didn’t go and do that)! Even before we busted the piñata open that was holding the secret, I was telling all of our friends and family that I hoped Kyle wasn’t going to be sad because I was dead sure we’re having a little princess. Hahaha, I laugh as I type this because I was the fool in for the big surprise. Not that I was ANY bit sad, I was oh so very shocked!
Well, the piñata’s bottom didn’t fall open like it was designed to when Kyle and I pulled the ribbons. We pulled and nothing happened. Kyle had to stick his hand in the hole that confetti and candy were supposed to fall out of and rip it apart. But before he ripped the hole large enough for everything to fall through, he saw something dangling and grabbed it to throw it out. I happened to see it and instantly saw it was blue and Lord have mercy, my face was mouth wide open, eyebrows as high as they could be saying “Oh My Gosh, It’s A Boy!”. No one picked it up on it because they were waiting for the piñata to bust with the surprise. Seconds later, the piñata let the secret out, with Kyle’s help, and everyone screamed “It’s a BOY”. Again, I was still shell shocked, but so happy to find out I am officially a Boy Mom!
I am sorry I am super behind on blog posts, and I do know this is a fashion blog where I share my life and experiences through fashion, so you have my word the next post will be fashion forward with life updates. I do have to tell you I wore the cutest romper for our gender reveal, and since I know you will love it I linked the exact one below! Also, linked are jumpsuit versions that are flying off the shelves as we speak. Sooo until (finger’s crossed, next week) the next blog post, I will be planning lots of spring fashion inspiration and some bump updates so please let me know what you would like me to share there. I may give you too much TMI updates if not, lol.

The reveal party was so much fun!!!! To say Kyle was over the moon is an understatement! Joyful news for Kyle, Sarah and the whole family!!