I am not really sure how to start this post. I already have tears streaming down my face as I type. Hurricane Harvey really took my joy, as it did so many others. My pastor this past Sunday made it very clear that it’s okay for anyone to grieve during this time, and encouraged all of us to do so in a healthy manner to aid in us coming out of this on a better side rather than bitter. I think I am still in the beginning where I can’t totally gasp the reality of being impacted by the storm, but I am doing my best to acknowledge all my feels in a positive manner. Just know, no matter who you were impacted this storm is something we all need to process in a healthy way!
As a child who grew up in Houston, I have as they call it “rode out” every hurricane. We maybe lost power for a few hours through Allison, Ika, and Rita, but that was honestly the worst of it we ever experienced. We never had to worry about flooding and majority of the time just saw the storm as a vacation from school. Keep in mind we were kids! Fast forward to 2017, I am preparing my own home for water to enter (God kept the water at bay and we only lost my car due to Harvey) as I cry on the phone with my sister who has water bubbling through her floor that my mother is sleeping on. You may wonder why my mother was sleeping or even sleeping on the floor of my sister’s home at a time like this. Well, she is a Houston Police Officer and had been working for 3 days straight when she returned home to her home flooding. She walked swiftly through waist deep water to my sister’s house a mile down the road to help her stack furniture and place valuables on the tops of her beds as the water was rising quickly. She was running on fumes from VERY little rest in between her three-day long shift and needed to lay down before she honestly passed out from exhaustion. This was in the middle of the night around 2:00 am. It was heart breaking to see my sister’s photo of our hero having to rest in this chaos. Luckily, a boat came to their aid 3 hours later to take them and 2 dogs back to my mother’s home. They went back there because it’s a two story home and was the closest place to go where they had an area that was dry for themselves and the fur babies.
Over the next days the water receded and planning and repairs began. Let’s just say, I think my older sister and I should start our own show on HGTV, Haha. *Side Note- If you know if anyone who needs help with the de-mudding process, send me an email because we would love to help!* We have learned so much throughout this flood process and are making plans for the future should it happen again. Neither myself, sister, or mother have flood insurance so this has been emotionally and financially devastating, BUT nowhere near what some have experienced. I ONLY lost my car in the flood but it seems so minor like losing a pair of jeans that it does not even bother me. I grieve daily for the amazing Texans who have lost absolutely everything they have ever owned!
I wanted to write this post to just tell y’all my experience, as well as let you know if you want a shoulder to cry on or an ear to listen to your loss I am your girl! I will bring the champagne if you bring the OJ. We will laugh, cry, and you will most definitely feel my support for you in this time of need! BUT there are also other needs I wanted to tell others about. You can donate your time, money, prayers, ect. Like I said before, we have never been a family who has been impacted from a hurricane or storm like this, so just trying to sort out all the feelings of everything can be a little tough. To help my depression with this tragic event, I found that giving back to others in need is the best therapy, and I figured HEY! you might want to as well and it might ease some of your pain too. Everyone has different gifts to help those who have been effected by this flood. For me, it’s my time and physical ability to clean out the terrible that Harvey left behind. I wish it was more monetary gifts, but I want to help my mother the best I can with for now. BUT I can definitely use my voice to ask those who want to give monetarily to help me raise money for hurricane funds I have felt really passionate about. Again, we ALL have a talent and can help people recover in some special way. Let me tell you what, if I was a better cook I would make many meals for people. But the last thing anyone needs is my terrible cooking in a time when they need something homemade and TASTY, lol. So here below are listed funds you give to OR volunteer for regarding Hurricane Harvey’s devastation. I promise, these are all wonderful and verified places!
My Favorites For Sending Your Hard Earned Funds && Time To Those In Need:
If you would like to donate directly to my mother’s home repairs you can do so here (this is only a fraction of what she needs, but this will help her with the new appliances she has to replace): Momma’s Flood Fund
For our those just like my mother who were out saving others and came home to flood waters in their homes and their belongings gone: HPOU- Assist the Officer, Houston Texas
Helping via donations, your time and talents, or simply praying with someone in need: KSBJ Harvey Relief
For those fur babies who need our help and love too: Pet- Hurricane Harvey Relief
Needing those Pampers for sweet little ones: Texas Diaper Bank
JJ Watt- Huricane Harvey Flood Relief
I would love to hear how you and your family made it through the storm, please comment below so I can send some love your way. Also, if you’re not from the areas impacted and want other information on how to help, comment below or send me an email and I will definitely send you lots of other information!