Long time no chat loves! It’s all my fault and I take full responsibility for that. I had actually been brainstorming and planning to really get back here to blogging and conversing with you guys, but I am lucky if I don’t fall asleep 15 minutes after Brantley is down for the night. And that is because **drum roll please**
Here are the top 3 reactions we have had from friends and family that I am going to give my response to:
- WOW! That was fast
- Was this planned?
- Having Irish Twins or your children close in age is hard, BUT so wonderful I don’t have words to help inspire you.
Thoughts on #1 –
Bahahaha, yep it sure was fast. Brantley was 4 months old when I became pregnant with baby #2 (we will be fining out the gender in roughly a week, so a gender reveal will follow shortly). There was no down time for this momma, and I most definitely could have used more down time before being pregnant in the 1st trimester again. But I will save those details for a 1st trimester bump date later on. Excited? YES! Don’t get me wrong, I am anxious and scared, but excited. Having these babies be 13 months apart seems a little overwhelming, but then I remember… “God never gives you more than you can handle!”. So I totally trust him and that this is the path he has for our family. And when I say I trust him, I totally do, especially when it comes to sleeping. I know he knows me and that my babies must sleep through the night early on for me to even function like a normal person. I am just not the *perfect mom* barbie doll who can function on little sleep. I have NEVER been this person. Sooo with that being said, he took the wheel with Brantley and he was sleep 8+ hours by 3 months old. I never once did sleep training because it just wasn’t for me. I just followed Brantley’s lead which was totally being ran by God and he just started sleeping longer, and longer.
Thoughts on #2-
Nope.. sure wasn’t. My body doesn’t do well in the hormones department. I have high anxiety and in the past with birth control (many different pills), BC has only made it worse. At my 6 weeks postpardum check up my doctor recommended BC if I didn’t want to get pregnant right away because she did state your body is ready to go again being very fertile after giving birth so I just want to give you the options that are best for YOU. I said no pills please, and personally I don’t like the idea of an IUD possibly embedding into my uterus when I know that we do want to have another baby some day in the not too distant future. The implant and patch aren’t my thing either. So needless to say, I went back to what I had down for 2 years being off BC still not ready to get pregnant. Wellllll, let me be the first to tell you.. You’re more fertile than anything you can predict or track. It’s wild! But all in all this is “how it happened”.
Thoughts on #3-
I really trust you parents who are telling me this, so please don’t feel me with untrue fluff! Like I said, I am scared, but excited. I am again like I did with Brantley reading mom blogs again (as I blogger I know other bloggers are pouring their hearts out on their blog, so I trust them), and specifically “2 under 2” or “Irish Twins” related mom blogs. So if you fit any of these titles, please send me all the helpful and encouraging advice you have, PLEASE! Once Baby #2 is born, I will try and return the kindness here on my blog because us moms have to stick together and help one another. I have been told countless times “You’re giving your children the best friend they could have never dreamed of in their sibling so close in age”. I hope this is true as it would make my heart so happy to see.
So for now, I am trying to not be nauseous, be calm and less anxious, and enjoy this baby growing away inside of me. Brantley is growing day and night. Kyle and I can barely keep up. Everyday he does something new and it is truly amazing. Again, we don’t really push him to advance, we follow his lead and then aid where we see he wants us to. It has been very rewarding doing it this way. But I will be the first to say, I am still the mom asking other moms “Should I be helping him learn this now?” “Is he behind?”. That is just my ridiculous worry wart side that I try and block out because it is just a damper on the part of life. I will be updating y’all soon on how these first trimester has been so far, and all the craziness Brantley is up to now that he is going to be a big brother! So Happy Monday Loves, I will be chatting with you again soon 😊
Photography By: Swish and Click