With all things Holiday happening over these next few weeks, I couldn’t not share the most perfect skirt for all those events! Who’s with me on wanting to hide the “food baby” we all tend to get when indulging in those festive treats? The elastic waist this sequin skirt will let you have a few too many cookies and cocktails without ever letting others know. I have styled it with an oversized sweater, velvet bodysuit, and long sleeve fitted blouse. It’s super easy to change the look of this super festive skirt, so investing in it’s UNDER $50 self is wellllll worth it!
This skirt bring me to our Christmas Eve plans! Yes, I plan to wear this sparkle babe on the day before the Big Man delivers his gifts. Well all we have “planned” as of now is dinner, and it’s at one of my favorites! I leave there every time we go with a total food coma. Whatever we generally have planned after words gets kicked to the curb as we would rather be cuddled up snoring in bed. Looks like I’ll have to set the Keurig to auto to wake us up for Christmas morning, haha. Should I tell you where this magnificent place is, OR should I wait and share it with you when we go next week?! I think I’ll keep you in suspense 🙂
I am trying to find other things that are festive for us to do during the day, so Houston Loves: Send me your fun Christmas Eve activities! Please and Thank You in advance. I am just feeling blah lately. And that could be because I have a sweater weather body and should have a bikini body since we will be on the beach of Miami on December 26! I just don’t have the motivation to be super healthy before we leave. Guess I’ll just my usual self with “Suns Out Buns Out” while we’re there, lol. Don’t worry I’ll share all the hot mess express fun with you on Instastories if you want to see all the ridiculousness.
OOOOH before I forget, I am teamed up with a only a few great bloggers to give away a $200 Nordstrom gift card here! Go enter where you see this skirt so you can shop until your heart is content.