Shirt: ATX Mafia Photographer: C. Wright Photography
Hair Color: Cattleya Hair Studio Hair Styling: Tousled and Teased
PSA: I joined a fantasy football league! (My league is a filled with lovely gals who know a whole heck of a lot more about players from a variety of teams compared to my little self) The ever so fantastic ladies over at ATX Mafia sent me this amazing shirt that I will be wearing every game day as my lucky t-shirt “Go Cowboys”. They have amazing, but super trendy graphic tees that make any woman look the part for Sunday football.
Week 1…. I was shocked at and my stats. I was playing against my sister in law who is the football queen. You gentlemen would be shaking in your boots if you were matched up against her during week 1. I have NEVER even understood how fantasy football truly worked; up until this weekend I didn’t even have the ESPN Fantasy App. My poor husband is having to really “blonde it down” for me in a very patient way. I am catching on as time passes, and now more intrigued with other teams than just the Dallas Cowboys. We are officially in week 2 and I will be sure to update my blog on any insights I can provide as the season continues. If you are interested on how the entire fantasy football league process works just message me via email or any social media and I will be sure to work on whole blog post about that process!
In joining this Fantasy Football league it has really made for something fun my husband I do together to have friendly competition. We are both enjoying something he truly loves, and I am really relishing understanding the game in a new way. Football Sundays can be daunting to any lady who wants to spend time with her love (if he is a football fan). Instead of resisting it I thought what better way to make it enjoyable for both of us. My husband plays on weekly leagues and just prefers that version better than the yearlong leagues. He was honestly excited when my draft day came. He was super into it WITH me and kept me from having an anxiety attack when my 2 minuet pick timer would start! Little tid bit of information… Football isn’t only taking up his time on Sunday, but also Thursday night, Saturday (college), and Monday night. So with that being said, my suggestion to you if you’re looking for date ideas that don’t break the bank, will get you two having competitive fun with one another, and will air on the side of something he really enjoys see my 4 ideas below!
- Buffalo Wild Wings– Thursday $.69 boneless wings special. Kyle and I can go for football and dinner all in one at a great price on Thursday. We make little bets throughout the time we’re there regarding who’s fantasy team/players is outscoring the others. This fun competition and bets are fun to cash in on when you get home 😉
- Bowl and Barrel: Houston– B&B is just how it sounds, they offer great bites, trendy bowling, and wonderful sips for the perfect double date with friends. Grab your girlfriend who is begging to get her love off the couch during game day and meet them for bowling, football watching, and genuine fun. The guys will be perfectly happy that they can watch the game with a beer and wonderful food, as well as you enjoying bowling and a date night out with friends. My handsome and I ALWAYS get competitive at bowling and this is our type of Friday night with the best friends.
- Attending a Baseball Game- Here in Houston our hometown MLB team are the Astros. Minuet Maid Park is the home for the Astros and they offer great seats on weekday games ($10 and up) for a true bargain. The baseball season is coming to a close, but there is still some time left in it. This window gives us a chance to mix things up when we’re engulfed in football. My husband is an avid Texas Rangers fan. We do our best to see at least one of the games each series they come into Houston! We park at the famous Lucky’s Pub that offers great game day specials, then head over to the ballpark. I grab great, but budgeted seats for us and they do NOT disappoint. This is one of our all-time favorite dates together.
- Rainy Day Monday Blues- When Monday comes, we are pretty woozy. We’re recovering from the weekend business and hitting the gym after the work days ends. I am a firm believer that a killer gym day earns pizza for dinner! At least that is the way it is in our household. Marcos Pizza is our go to. The pizza is delicious and we have never had to wait longer than 40 minutes for our delivery to arrive. We come dragging in from the gym, after calling our pizza in on the way home, grab the dominoes for “slapping some bones” while we fall on the couch for MNF! This is our low key, in home date night that is still fun and allows us to rest up without feeling like we’re missing game night!