Hair Stylist: Cattleya Hair Studio
Photography By: C Wright Photography
Having a “Tell All” about my hair is not nearly as risqué as it sounds lol. I knew I wanted to do a blog post about all the details on my purple hair since I have so many questions and love sent my way about its beauty! To be completely honest, I am NO HAIR STYLIST. Okay, I can style my hair, but cut/color/extensions(coming soon).. All praise goes to the ever so incredible Heddie Root with Cattleya Hair Studio. She is a dream maker when it comes to hair!
I started this purple journey in March of 2016, and I was still to nervous to go all the way so we added in lavender highlights which I loved. Sadly, the lavender fades extremely fast.. like 4 washes fast. It doesn’t directly fade back to blonde, but it fades to an icy gray. Not that having icy gray hair is a bad thing, but for me it was a little washing out with my skin tone at times. We upped how often I came in to have the lavender touched up, but that doesn’t only hurt your budget but left me slightly drained. I continued this lavender/gray journey until July. Soon I went back to the only thing I had ever know until now, blonde! Blonde is like a comfort blanket for me, I have pretty much always been a blonde. But in an attempt to really love myself and invest in me I spent a few months as a blonde, then I went all the way Royal Purple!
Talk about a shock every time I looked in the mirror over the next few weeks. I loved it, but again I knew there may be some kinks that needed working out. Mainly Heddie had to work out the kinks and I just had to decide what direction with color I wanted to go in. Again, I felt a little washed out with the intensity of the royal so close to my roots, so Heddie suggested multiple options I toyed around with. Finally we came to a combination of lavender and royal purple with hints of amethyst. She is a true chemist and if you attempt to get MY COLOR out of any box, Pravana or Kenra tubes is nearly impossible! Mastering exactly what I have is something you must visit Cattleya Hair Studio for. She is constantly mixing and twisting things to get exactly what works best with my skin and the ideas in my head.
Now that my hair is the exact color that works best for me, the trick is.. How in the heck do I take care of it? First and foremost, by stock in dry shampoo if you are planning to do anything like this. You will only be able to wash your hair at most 2x a week ( I personally try for 1x a week). It is a struggle for this oily mess, but I have found a pretty descent rythym. And this very important part my be the roughest for this hot shower taker, you have to wash your hair with cool/cold water. You will really understand this the first time you shower after doing any vibrant color to your hair, it will color change your white shower fast. Don’t sweat it lovely, Clorox will take care of it! The color washes out easily, but when washing your hair with cool/cold water it aids in locking the color in the best that you possibly can.
I get questions on products I use, the #1 rule is to stay far, far away from any products that have sulfur or sulfates in them. This will strip your hair of your color ASAP! I have linked products below that I love and use daily/weekly to keep my color as fresh as I can between appointments. Also, I thought you might like to see which products I use for styling as well as styling tools. I have confirmed with Heddie these are all wonderful because they’re low heat (another thing that strips color is high heat styling tools).
I hope this was insightful on how I make my unicorn life possible 🙂 Please let me know if you have any questions or would like me to gush on more info about love of purple!

I absolutely LOVE your purple hair! I wish I could pull it off! 😘
XOXO, Nikki |