Helllllo Loves! It has been many long months of time off from this little fashion passion space of mine. I realized quickly into my pregnancy and motherhood I am not Superwoman. Being a full time working mom, wife, sister, best friend.. ect, makes for little time to spend on this blog of mine. BUT with that being said, it’s a labor of love for me that I missed immensely. And all of you have been so supportive over these months I have been absent I wanted to be sure y’all know that y’all are loved and I am BACK to share all my fashion passion life moments with y’all.
Although this is my fashion space, I started this little blog to share my life via fashion . I wasn’t miss fashion diva while in the hospital, but I thought I could get by with just sharing Brantley’s birth story with y’all in my first post back after months off. It was a whirlwind and caught this anxious over the top lady off guard! I should have known that would happen as he is half mine, lol.
For the last month/month and a half of my pregnancy I was considered “high risk”. I was having due to my high blood pressure (always one point away from having to be induced at any moment), as well as my sweet baby boy having fetal heart arrhythmia. Everyday was tough! I was very overloaded in my professional life, juggling two doctor’s appointments weekly, and constantly praying over Brantley and his health about sent me overboard. I apologize for being absent, but I never want to half ass content on here so I had to step away and focus on mine and Brantley’s health for many months.
I went for my second doctor’s appointment of the week on August 3rd, just like any other morning my mind was racing with work thoughts and seeing if Baby B’s heart was doing any better. I was called back for my sonogram and I was so happy to see my little squish all curled up happy as can be (well I thought he was happy anyways). Later on in the appointment my doctor came into the sonogram room with the technician. This was unusual, but I just figured she was in a rush to deliver another patient and wanted to see me before she had to run off, as this has happened before at my previous appointments. NOPE! That wasn’t the case this time. Somehow within two days, I had practically lost all of my amniotic fluid. Little known to me but that meant it was time to be induced and I was heading to L&D. Annnnnnd Brantley still was showing fetal heart arrhythmia, but it was healing and not near as bad as it had been. My doctor made the exact statement to me ” So the plan for us today is that we’re having a baby!” In total stunned shock, I shouted back “NO!”. It wasn’t that I wasn’t ready, just mentally I thought I had 2 more weeks as per my due date and couldn’t process the unexpected mentally quick enough to respond in the loving way I meant to. Quickly my anxiety took over and I had a bit of a panic attack that didn’t last long. Luckily, my hospital was just in the next parking lot next door so I didn’t have to go far. Once I valeted and waddled to the 3rd floor I meant my nurse who was a total gem and got my anxiety to quiet while I waited for my family to arrive. Once I was with her and began getting settled into my room, I was able to relax and emotionally enjoy the last few moments I had before meeting my son. I saw moments, but it was hours haha.
After 14 long hours of labor with only a 30 minute nap, a Pitocin drip, an Epidural, and 45 minutes of pushing, Brantley Thurman Henson made his debut into this world of ours at 2:39am weighing 6.8 lbs. and 19.5in long! With Dad, both Grandmothers, and one of his Aunts by my side Brantley had more love within seconds of his life than any little boy could dream of. I was an exhausted, but over the moon momma!
While in the hospital extensive tests where ran to ensure his heart arrhythmia was resolved know that he was born, and thanks to God it was! Finally Dad and I could breath easy as we made our way home a few days later all one big healthy, and happy family.
I’ll spare you all the details on adjusting to motherhood for now, just know we all are doing very well and I am back ready to share this little life of mine through fashion with you. So feel free to ask/share anything you would like to see on here so I can give back all the amazing love y’all have shown me over these hard but wonderful months!
Videography: Kaitlin Brantner Photography